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  ‘I think you’ll like this better?’ the other girl said as she kneeled, parted her lover’s thighs and buried her face in her crotch. I imagined what it would be like, my mouth travelling over the slight fabric of her tiny briefs, my tongue pushing the material aside before tasting the juices of her loins, mixed with the flavour of the ocean still on her body.

  I realized my hands had wandered underneath my dress and were stroking my nipples as I saw the girl who was enjoying her lover’s oral attention reach up to undo her top. I ached to see her tight breasts and pert nipples but, just then, a loud voice called from nearby.

  ‘Phoebe! Nicole! We’re leaving now.’

  The girls parted quickly. They gathered their blanket and put out the fire. I heard them exchange a few words as they walked away.

  ‘They’re going out to dinner. Do you want to go with them or stay in the cottage?’

  ‘What do you think?’

  I heard them giggle and saw their departing silhouettes embrace tenderly.

  Disappointed, I went back to the cottage. The walk did nothing to calm me down.

  When I reached the cottage I heard a moan through one of the open windows. It was torture but I decided to look anyway.

  I nearly moaned out loud myself when I peered through the open blinds and saw Monique, her tanned body glowing in the firelight, on her knees taking Rene’s handsome cock between her beautiful lips. Both were naked, their perfect bodies glowing in the firelight. I could even hear Rene gasp as Monique ran her tongue all over his shaft, nibble his glans and suck greedily at his balls. I closed my eyes as my hands went at it again, travelling all over my body, probing my wet, aching pussy, rubbing my breasts and nipples.

  I opened my eyes in time to see them change positions. By now, Monique was crouched on all fours, showing the inviting curve of her buttocks to Rene as he knelt and whispered something in her ear. She smiled and nodded. I wondered what they said but was overtaken by the expression on Monique’s face. A craving, almost hungry, expression as Rene entered her from behind and began thrusting. She shut her eyes and opened her mouth wide. Her expression was one of total desire and satisfaction. Of sheer abandonment and total ecstasy. Of.

  ‘Andrea, are you listening to me?’

  Monique’s voice brought me back to the cafe. My panties were moist. I had to wipe off a bead of perspiration from my forehead. She held my hand. The touch of her delicate, jewelled fingers did nothing to stop my heart from racing.

  ‘Tell me’ I said, trying to look casual ‘Did you and Rene ever have anal sex?’

  A coy, demure look crossed her face. My mind went back to the cottage. Rene entering her from behind while she gasped and smiled with a deep, hungry look.

  ‘Yes,’ she replied ‘Many times. It’s such a wonderful feeling. A delicious balance between pain and pleasure. And the orgasm that comes from it is so.. .unique.’

  She sat back and toyed with one of her necklaces. I noticed the charm was missing.

  ‘Did you get rid of that charm?’ I asked, my hands trembling as I stirred my coffee.

  She smiled and said ‘Do you remember my aunt Mathilda?’

  ‘The one who passed away last year? We went to the funeral,’ I responded. Monique’s family had a rather low opinion of Mathilda. A burlesque dancer who married a rich man and became a jet-setting libertine.

  ‘The inheritance finally came through,’ she said while buttering another croissant.

  ‘You got the country house?’ I asked. But what this did have to do with the charm?

  ‘I went there this weekend. To clear my mind,’ she said, a look of satisfaction on her face that didn’t come from the croissant. She ran her lovely fingers over those beautiful lips. My heart raced. I knew this story was going to be.unique.

  ‘I got the deeds and two keys from her solicitor.’ Monique began. ‘It was a long drive to the house. She lived as a recluse in her latter years. Her only company was a lovely Vietnamese maid who had been with her since her days in burlesque. Her name was Mai. I heard she passed away a few months after Mathilde.’

  ‘The first key allowed me into her house. There was such a lush cosiness to the entire place. Opulent Persian rugs and antique furniture. I had meant to leave before dark but after seeing her boudoir I changed my mind.’ ‘What was so special about it?’

  She gave me a wicked smile and said ‘You should see it. All lace and ruffles, a lace canopy over the bed, nude statuettes of men and women everywhere...and her pictures.’


  ‘She was beautiful!’ Monique almost shouted. ‘Wonderful black and whites of her in see-through lace, feather boas, exotic costumes. Some were of her totally nude. What a body! Her breasts were as nice as yours.’

  She was eyeing my chest by then. I wanted to rip my blouse off and feel those lips on my nipples. I controlled myself, gave her a light pat on the hand and said; ‘Go on.’

  ‘She had lots of costumes in the house. Trunks and closets with all kinds of things. But I was curious. The first key opened the gate and all the locks in the house. I searched the big closet in her bedroom and found a steamer trunk. The second key fit perfectly in it. Inside was one set of black silk stockings and five big photo albums. There were more sexy pictures of Mathilde except she wasn’t alone in any of them.’

  ‘You mean?’ I whispered, my throat was dry by then. I wanted to hear more.

  ‘I saw her with one, two, sometimes three men at once. All making love to each mouth of her body. Her expressions ranged from playful to completely orgasmic. There were even pictures of with her and Mai. A petite, curvy, high-breasted beauty with full, sensuous lips. They made love in many ways. Sometimes with their mouths, other times with these ivory phalluses...’

  We giggled at this. I loosened the top button of my blouse. This resulted in a sexy expression on her face. I wondered. What was she thinking of? I decided to play for time and asked ‘Who took the pictures?’

  ‘Oh,’ Monique replied, ‘Mai’s lover, I guess. One picture showed Mathilde behind a camera wearing only those black stockings while Mai and a handsome Latin man were on a bed having anal sex.’

  ‘How did you know it was him?’ I asked.

  ‘There’s a picture of him bare-chested and standing next to a camera in Mai’s room. He had broad shoulders and deep, mysterious eyes. Suddenly, I had the urge to take off my clothes and wear her stockings. I wanted to lie in her bed and masturbate with those pictures all around me. I must’ve had ten orgasms before going to sleep. But that wasn’t the end of it.

  ‘You see, I had this wonderful dream. I was in her room, still wearing only the stockings. Lit candles everywhere. There was a perfumed scent in the room, like jasmine. A door opened. Mai entered wearing a long, black dress with waist-high slits that exposed her shapely thighs. She sat on the bed, poured oil in her hands and rubbed my feet. I felt completely at ease and closed my eyes as her expert hands gently but firmly worked up my ankles, calves and thighs. She rubbed my hips and stomach and then stopped. I opened my eyes and saw her undo that beautiful dress. She straddled my body, poured oil on her breasts and ran those sexy, hard nipples all over me. Every inch of my skin tingled with electricity.

  ‘After a while she got up, turned me over and rubbed more oil on her body. I lay on my stomach as she ran her nipples all over my back and began licking the cleft of my buttocks, all the way down to my anus. The feeling of that tongue reaming my back door! It’s so nice to feel a penis in there but the sensation of that lovely mouth! She poured more oil over my back. It flowed down my cleft while her fingers entered my anus and pussy. I came right away, my entire body flowed with orgasm after orgasm.

  ‘Then she gave me a light kiss and led me to another room. Her lover was there, shirtless and loading film into a big, old-fashioned camera pointing to a low bed.

  ‘I sat down as she adjusted my make-up and brushed my hair. She went back to her lover who started taking pictures of me. Then I heard another door
open. To my pleasant surprise I saw three handsome, naked men enter the room. Their bodies were trim and athletic. They surrounded me on the bed, their stiff members brushing against my body. I decided right then to give the best performance anyone had ever seen. I leaned down and opened my mouth wide, taking each throbbing cock in my mouth. I never made love to more than one man at a time but I wanted all of them at once.

  ‘I realized right then I was the one in control. They were there to please me. I pushed one man down to my crotch and enjoyed his oral attention. His tongue licked my wet, flowing pussy. The other two soon followed, licking my anus and nipples. Their mouths brought on yet another orgasm that shook my body with pleasure.

  ‘I wanted to return the favour. I told one to lie down, straddled him and slid his wonderful cock into my wet pussy. It felt so good, his thick meat sliding inside my body. I turned my head, took the nearest penis in my mouth and sucked and licked away. I still wanted more. I gestured to the last man and raised my buttocks slightly. He understood, knelt behind me and slid his cock into my anus which Mai had so thoughtfully lubricated.

  ‘Oh, to make love to these three beautiful men at once. To feel every orifice of my body filled with hard, veined manhood. It was so...wonderful. They began to moan in unison. I sucked even harder as my hips and buttocks moved back and forth. I wanted them to come right away.

  Suddenly, I felt their bodies tense as they emitted one final, masculine shout and came inside me.

  ‘Suddenly, juicy, glorious cum bathed my pussy, came down my throat and filled my anus. I felt every inch of my being filled to the rim with hot, creamy, liquid manhood. It was wonderful.

  ‘Suddenly, I woke up alone in the bed but I could still feel the sensation of having a cock in each of my three mouths. I sat up. My hand travelled over my neck and I felt Rene’s locket. I looked at it for a second, tore it off and flung it through an open window.’

  We sat in silence for a while. Monique’s dream flowed through my mind like a river. This was it. I had to ask her.

  ‘Monique, I...don’t know how to say this but...’ I stammered. She held my hand. It was now or never. ‘Would you like to make love to me?’ that was it. I didn’t know what to expect.

  She leaned close and whispered in my ear ‘I’ve wanted to make love to you since that afternoon on the boat. Do you remember?’

  I nodded, happy and excited at the turn our relationship was about to take.

  ‘Let’s go to the house,’ she said; ‘I’d like to show you the pictures.’

  That evening we lay naked on her aunt’s bed, our arms and legs wrapped around each other after the most intense love-making I had ever enjoyed. In a moment of sheer abandonment we had even licked and fingered each other’s back doors. I could still feel her delicate fingers inside my anus while her other fingers probed and stroked my pussy. It was so new to me.

  ‘That was wonderful.’ She said, cupping my breast. She had fondled them all day.

  ‘Yes, it was,’ I responded while her palms rubbed my nipples.

  ‘I still like being with a man, though,’ she said. ‘I mean, the right kind of man.’

  I smiled at her caution. ‘Me too. I guess I could never be exclusive.’

  I mused at the thought. To lie between Monique and another handsome man, to feel her mouth on my loins as I enjoyed a hard, veined penis in my mouth.

  ‘But what if we each find the right man?’ I said, enjoying her fingers on my nipples.

  Her delicate face seemed aroused by the thought. She gave me a sly smile and said ‘Foursome.’

  I held her close.

  ‘But tell me, are you in any hurry?’

  She gave me a sly smile and said ‘Not really’.

  We laughed and made love until we both fell asleep.

  The Big Bang by Lynn Lake

  When Joe Coup saw the bright lights on the dark, lonely logging road up ahead, he stomped the brakes and banged the steering wheel.

  ‘Hell’s bells!’ he growled.

  The brilliant, vertical beam of pure, white light swept up the dirt road towards his battered pick-up truck. He slammed into reverse, stomped the accelerator. The vehicle shot backwards, jouncing crazily over water-filled potholes, Joe’s head ricocheting off the bare metal roof, clamping his hardhat down like a bottle cap.

  The speedometer needle quivered up to fifty then fell like a tree. The beam of light had suffused the truck, capturing it and the cursing lumberjack, stopping the both of them dead. The roof peeled back like the lid on a sardine can, and Joe was airborne. His indignant profanity filled the pine-scented night air, startling wolves and shocking chipmunks.

  ‘What’d you want this time?’ Joe groused, cantilevering his fingers under his hardhat and popping it off, freeing up his brains.

  He was standing in a spaceship miles above the Earth’s surface, glaring at a glowing orange sphere hovering eye-level in front of him. An alien life form of pure energy, he grudgingly assumed.

  ‘I’m over here,’ came the reply, in perfect, if squeaky, English.

  Joe looked down, way down, at a green, two-inch long centipede-like creature on the metallic floor of the spacecraft.

  The creature arched its head, waved ten or twelve arms or legs in universal greeting. ‘That’s our light and heating unit,’ it explained, pointing still more appendages at the orange sphere. ‘My name’s Kazar.’

  Joe looked back up at the glowing ball, like he preferred it. ‘This is the sixth time I’ve been abducted,’ he complained, ‘and I’m starting to get pissed off.’

  The first three times had been interesting, fun even, the cold probing offset by the warm and fuzzy half-hour of fame: guest appearances on the television shows

  Unexplained Unknowns and PSI: Oregon, guest-of-honour spots at science fiction conventions and NASA fundraisers, a ghost-written bestseller-in-the-Nevada-Area

  51 entitled ET Loves Me.

  But the celebrity had faded like the prospects of an ALF reunion movie anytime soon, after the fourth abduction. And by the fifth, the ‘kook’ label had been firmly affixed. He lost his long-suffering girlfriend and his plum job at her father’s sawmill, moved into an abandoned Airstream trailer on the edge of an acid lake in the middle of a clear-cut nowhere, only his hand and a satellite dish to keep him company, chainsawing and trimming and hauling logs, freelance, for a living.

  He was the guy who cried ‘Watch the skies!’ once too often, Chicken Little in a spacesuit, and now no one was listening - except the tiny green centipede with the Mickey Mouse voice.

  ‘This will be the final time,’ Kazar assured him. ‘For this,’ it gestured expansively with almost all its limbs, ‘is the mother ship.’

  ‘And what were all the other spaceships - kiddie cars?’ Joe grumbled.

  Kazar grinned, then scuttled over to an inch-high instrument panel and peered out of a BB-sized porthole, pressing a button to correct the trajectory of the flying saucer. One of its limbs inadvertently triggered the hyperlight drive which sent it splatted against the porthole. The sudden speed sent Joe flying.

  Kazar shut down the drive and apologized, as Joe climbed angrily to his feet. ‘The others were merely.exploratory vessels,’ it said, continuing their discussion. ‘Equipped to search for the man who will serve our peoples’ purposes - serve the place purposes of peoples in all.uh, serve the purposes of all places and.’ Joe snorted, ran a rugged hand through his shaggy, blonde hair.

  ‘And you are that man, Joe,’ Kazar said, ‘and this ship contains the most precious of all cargoes.’

  Joe defiantly spat a line of black tobacco at the floor, splashing little Kazar in the wash. ‘I’m not doin’ nuthin’ for you guys! I’ve had it! I’m all sampled and studied.. .out! You guys can go crawl back into your black hole and pull it in after.’

  He stopped his tirade when Kazar snapped its limbs and a being as beautiful as a billion sunsets suddenly appeared, naked as the break of day. ‘Mother!’ Kazar squeaked triumphantly.

  Joe’s fists unfurled and he gulped his chaw, ogled the woman with the stars in her eyes.

  ‘She’s everything you’ve ever dreamed of, Joe,’ Kazar piped, standing up on its hind limbs and gesturing at the heavenly creature. ‘A composite of your ideal woman come to life, assembled from mind probes of your once-every-ten-seconds sexual fantasies.’

  Joe had to admit she was built, alright. He brushed splinters off his dirty Hard-On Wood Products t-shirt and finger-combed his scruffy beard.

  Kazar glanced at a data screen the size of a pinkie toenail. ‘She has, uh, Diane Lane’s feet and legs, Jenny Lopez’s rear end, Pamela Lee Anderson’s...uh, Pamela Anderson Lee’s.’

  ‘Pamela Anderson,’ Joe breathed.

  ‘Right, yes. Pamela Anderson’s chest. Jenny Connelly’s face and Jenny Aniston’s hair. And, uh, Paul Newman’s eyes?’

  Joe’s sunburnt face burned a deeper red.

  Kazar twitched its limbs as if in a shrug. ‘For your purposes, we shall call her Dijepa Coanman - or Jenny, for short.’

  ‘Jenny,’ Joe exhaled. ‘Is she an alien?’

  ‘At her core, yes. But you won’t be seeing her core.’

  Joe was seeing everything else, though, his eyes wandering over the wondrous woman’s swollen breasts and jutting nipples, rappelling down her plump butt cheeks and along her lithe, golden legs, and then scaling back up her legs, resting briefly on her strip-shaved pussy before ascending to her globular tits again. He glanced quickly at her shining face and ‘Friends’-era styled hair. He avoided her eyes.

  ‘You will fuck her multiple times,’ Kazar squeaked without compunction. Then he slithered into an opening at the bottom of the instrument panel, like a silverfish oozing under a refrigerator, leaving Joe and Jenny all alone together.

  ‘Do you like what you see?’ the celestial body spoke, eternity in her Kathleen Turner husky voice.

  Joe hardened like an eight-foot length of green spruce in a fired kiln, the lumber visible in his tight jeans his universal response. He blessed the satellite dish back home, the space age technology that allowed him to watch all the shows and movies from which his best-of-the-best dream girl had been fashioned.